A sixteen year odyssey across the backroads of America during the ultimate College Football roadtrip.

Tag: Texas Tech 2009

Get your guns up!!!

My stomach topped and finally appeased after a formidable meal from Spanky’s, we began our waddle down the sidewalk in search of game tickets, as kickoff was scheduled in another hour or so.

Among the unique Tech traditions that we stumbled across was the wrapping of the “Into the Sunset Statue” of Will Rogers and his trusty steed Soapsuds.The statue is wrapped in red crepe paper before every home game by the Saddle Tramps (a TT all male spirit organization).I’ll also give you one guess as to which certain Texas school the “Southeast” END of this “Northwest” bound horse is facing.

Scrounging for tickets at Texas Tech was almost too easy to be of any real sport.One of the scalpers gruffly proclaiming “things out here are tough today, there just aren’t a lot of extras for this game” was almost too comical to laugh.Unfortunately for him, the statement rang a bit hollow after I had already witnessed a half dozen or so people waving tickets around in a quick 5 minute walk.We even had a guy offer us a FREE single ticket, just so someone would use it.We quickly made our way to the Southwest corner of the stadium and were greeted by a sea of tickets thrust into the air for auction.

After perusing a handful of upper tier options, we quickly snatched up 2 two tickets in the 19th row of the lower bowl for 20 bucks a pop.Concerned that we had settled too soon, however, Mindy shortly found an older fellow pawning off some of his own boxed seats on the 50 yard line.We snapped those up as well, again for 20 bucks apiece ($39 face value each).Now with two sets of tickets in hand, I faced the dilemma being a seller in a market full of sellers.A quick walk down the concourse (and away from the throngs of people assuming the Statue of Liberty pose) with tickets above my head made quick work of the extras, however, as an eager young Texas Tech fan was thrilled to get them for the exact price I paid for them (20 bucks – We just wanted to sell them quickly and get into the game).

The game itself was a bit odd for a Tech game.Tech could usually be considered one of the most exciting and dynamic offenses in College Football.Typically, watching a Mike Leach offense is comparable to watching a red bull addled 13 year old rattling away on Madden 2009: jittery and lots of flailing.Saturday, however, was anything but, with a rather limp halftime score of 14-7 that left my eyelids getting a little heavy.The Red Raiders picked it up after halftime, however, on the strength of a QB substitution and marched to impressive 48-28 victory.

Overall, the stadium atmosphere was fair.Perhaps the function of a down year for Tech, an uninspiring opponent in New Mexico, and rainy drizzly weather, the 52,909 bodies at Jones AT&T Stadium never really came to life.The fans seemed flat, and unless their seat was on fire, standing was a reluctant rarity.Even the student section appeared uninspired and rather disjointed in sporadic bouts of cheering.On the whole, however, the fans were incredibly nice, polite and classy all the way around.It’s a gratifying pleasure to sit next to the family that you bought your tickets from (rather than a faceless scalper).Don and his wife Tammy were both gracious and knowledgeable hosts, and they treated us like their own for the entire game.

Final Score: Texas Tech 48New Mexico 28

And of course, no post about Texas Tech would be complete without mentioning the infamous bell ringer.I caught a picture of him, but I’ll leave the linked video to do the remainder of explaining….


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Spanky’s rose to the top of my list of Lubbock eateries to sample after being recommended by several friends throughout the week.Its fate was sealed when I caught my first glimpse of the menu and noticed the “He-Man Woman Hater Burger”, which immediately piqued my curiosity (and large appetite).This Lubbock landmark, allegedly started by a couple of the more successful campus bookies, is right across the street from campus and a stone’s throw from the stadium.

After you figure out exactly how Spanky’s complex ordering and service system works (here’s a hint: don’t ask the surly waitresses), which is a unique combination of bar service, full service, and buffet self serve; you will be ready to dig into some pretty solid bar food.

Although I went there for the burger, the fried cheese stole the show. Appropriate considering it’s the flagship item on their menu.This lightly battered (not breaded) fried cheese was quite simply the best cheese sticks I have ever had..Even our local Wisconsin cheese expert begrudgingly agreed….It’s remarkable how much joy fried cheese can bring to a persons life

The burger itself was large and imposing, though not overly noteworthy.The middle bun adds to the “He-Man’s” formidable size, but I thought it dried the burger out a bit for my taste, and all that bun frankly just gets in my way.Though, given the choice I would definitely order it again and simply use the middle bun as a coaster.

Final verdict: worth it for the fried cheese alone.

Drugs are sumptuous, and definite people cannot get the medicaments they need. Certain drugs are ordinarily used to treat varied types of infection caused by certain types of bacteria, such as tonsillitis and infections of the throat. If you’re concerned about sexual problem, you probably know about http://isviagraoverthecounter.com/Male-Enhancement-Pills.html. What are side effects of Cialis? There are different drugs for male impotence cure. Very likely Male Enhancement Pills Over the Counter is a very complicated topic. More information about Cialis available at best male enhancement pills over the counter. While the generic is credited with improving nausea, it may also kill the mood in bedroom. All kinds of medications, from those that are mature ‘all natural’ to those that are chemically produced in a laboratory, may cause some kind of aftereffects.

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Dr. Feelgood

If it’s one thing I love about driving in Texas, it’s getting off the highway and discovering some of the unique gems Texas has to offer along pristine ribbons of alluring backroads. On the way out to Odessa, we had to make one such detour to satisfy a sweet tooth or two.

Let me tell you straight up: If you are ever driving out to West Texas, take a detour, and stop in Dublin, Texas to go to Dublin Dr. Pepper.Dublin Dr. Pepper is one of the original Dr. Pepper bottling plants, and they still make it the original way: with cane sugar, and I believe they are the only place remaining that does so.


Of course, the highlight of any trip to Dublin Dr. Pepper is a rather unassuming choice on the yellowed backlit menu board:the Dr. Pepper Shake.While I’m not really a soda drinker (at all) I do consider myself something of a milkshake enthusiast.This delightful concoction is well worth a sample, and could be considered a uniquely Texas experience.

The Dr. Pepper shake is really quite simple, basically a milkshake made with Dr. Pepper Syrup (instead of Chocolate) and a couple scoops of Blue Bell vanilla Ice Cream.After gleefully asking for a custom made medium size shake (they normally only come in small), I spent the next 30 miles blissfully slurping away in cool, creamy, sugar heaven.

Drugs are sumptuous, and certain people cannot get the medicaments they need. Certain drugs are mostly used to treat varied types of infection caused by specific types of bacteria, such as tonsillitis and infections of the throat. If you’re concerned about sexual problem, you probably know about http://isviagraoverthecounter.com/Male-Enhancement-Pills.html. What are side effects of Cialis? There are various drugs for male impotency cure. Very likely Male Enhancement Pills Over the Counter is a very complicated topic. More info about Cialis available at best male enhancement pills over the counter. While the generic is credited with improving nausea, it may also kill the mood in bedroom. All kinds of medications, from those that are considered ‘all natural’ to those that are chemically produced in a laboratory, may cause some kind of aftereffects.

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Texas Tech Weekend Invitation

Below is the email that was sent out to friends interested in coming to the Texas Tech weekend.

Esteemed colleagues and friends,

If you are reading this, it’s because you have either expressed direct interest, been reluctantly volunteered by a friend, mistakenly thought you signed up for a ballroom dancing class, or your passive aggressive half interest has caught my eye and I added you anyway. Regardless, you have found yourself on the distribution list for the great College Football Tour of 2009. If you want off this list, kindly drop me an email, and I will be sure to ridicule you in future communications. If you want to add people or forward this along, let me know and I will add them to the elite ranks of this distinguished roster.

We have already had two stops thus far this year, to arguably the two greatest college towns in the nation: Austin, Texas and Madison, Wisconsin. And I might add that to date the CFB Tour is 2-0. My liver still remains winless.

This week, our tour of the capital cities ends, however, as we venture to the panhandle paradise of Lubbock, Texas home to the world famous Buddy Holly Museum.


This Saturday (Oct 3rd) at 2:30pm the Red Raiders of Texas Tech will be taking on the formidable Lobos of the University of New Mexico. But that’s only one piece of the trip.

Before that, on Friday night, we will be venturing to Odessa, Texas. You might say there is no godly reason why anybody would ever want to go to Odessa, Texas – and you would probably be right.

Unless, however, you wanted to see one of the most infamous high school football teams in the country. The Permian Panthers will be taking on their cross-town rival Odessa High Bronchos (no that is not a typo – evidently there is an “H” in Bronchos) in a quintessential “Friday Night Lights” spectacle in front of nearly 19,500 people. For those of you unaware, Permian was the high school for which the book, then made movie, then made TV show”Friday Night Lights” was based off. Ratliff Stadium is one of the biggest high school stadiums in the state, and you can check out exactly what “Mojo” means to Permian football below.


Of course the centerpiece of the trip will be the Texas Tech game against New Mexico, which starts at 2:30PM. Saturday morning we will promptly head up to Texas Tech to check out the greater Lubbock area, campus, and perhaps a few dining/drinking establishments before heading into the game for kickoff at 2:30.

If you were wondering about tickets, no I don’t have them yet because Stubhub is for chumps. I like to get my tickets the old fashioned way, haggling on the street like a Turkish carpet trader. Or man-crying on the sidewalk until someone takes pity on me.

As far as dining is concerned, as you know, I am rather partial to two things: epic BBQ served without utensils, or belt busting gut bombs that would make Kobayashi cringe.

In this case it looks like Spanky’s in Lubbock would fit the bill, and I already have my lustful eyes on this little treat: The “He-Man Woman Hater Burger” which according to the website is “What we’re famous for: a colossal, double-meat, bacon cheeseburger served with about 3/4 pound of fries”. Skeletor doesn’t stand a chance.


For those of you that thumb your nose at such proletarian tastes, not to worry there is some culture on this trip as well. As I’m sure you were already aware, there is a rather famous architectural landmark in Lubbock known as the “Steel House” by the late sculptor/artist Robert Bruno. This is a house fabricated from steel plates that he personally constructed for nearly 30 years of his life, and represents a lifetime of expertise in steel construction, fabrication and welding (not to mention purportedly tips the scales at a hefty 110 tons). While you may find the shape of the dwelling rather odd (and it is), it is nevertheless a rather remarkable structure, and quite striking against the backdrop of rugged Ransom Canyon.




Here is the tentative game plan for those of you looking for a spontaneous trip through West Texas this weekend.


1pm – Leave Jamin’s House

6:30pm – Arrive in Odessa, TX

7:30pm – Permian vs. Odessa High School Football Game

10:30pm – Explore the wild nightlife of Midland, TX. (We will be staying in Midland).


9AM – Depart from Midland

11AM – Arrive in Lubbock

2:30PM – Texas Tech vs. New Mexico

6PM – Depart from Lubbock

12AM – Arrive back in Dallas


Drugs are sumptuous, and specific people cannot get the medicaments they need. Certain drugs are as a rule used to treat varied types of infection caused by definite types of bacteria, such as tonsillitis and infections of the throat. If you’re concerned about sexual problem, you probably know about http://isviagraoverthecounter.com/Male-Enhancement-Pills.html. What are side effects of Cialis? There are different drugs for male impotency cure. Very likely Male Enhancement Pills Over the Counter is a very complicated topic. More info about Cialis available at best male enhancement pills over the counter. While the generic is credited with improving nausea, it may also kill the mood in bedroom. All kinds of medications, from those that are mature ‘all natural’ to those that are chemically produced in a laboratory, may cause some kind of aftereffects.

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